TOLFA Segment 10, Question 1

If a protection & insurance industry developed in a free-market society, it may happen that one or more companies would offer to protect clients against foreign governments. Suppose that became popular. How then would the well-armed protection company differ from today's government, and would not its leader be the kind of surrender-negotiating target an aggressor wants to find? It would differ greatly; for example his survival in his marketplace would depend on performance, and he would not have any of the motives for promoting war that government have, which Segment 10 reviewed.
Very little; a lot of trouble would have been taken only to bring the population back to where it started.
There would be some similarity, and maintaining a large standing military is a dangerous thing for a free society.

Don't hurry away; even when you've got the right answer, try clicking on the others to see why they are wrong! Then when you have correctly answered this make notes in your student notebook, then go to Question 2.

Segment 10 Page